Hi folks. I’m new to the blog here, but some readers might remember some of my articles on Lost Hemisphere (or most likely not, but I need to milk that internet fame for all it’s worth). I previously wrote articles on the rules of Warmachine & Hordes, analyzed errata documents, etc. but at the moment there isn’t much to write about in that regard. So, as an avid Warmachine and Hordes player, I’m going to write about something near and dear to me: tournaments.
I love Privateer Press’ games because of the high level of competition and mental challenge that it provides, and you’d be hard-pressed to find that in greater amounts than at a tournament. Most people’s tournament experience will be from their local game store, but there’s also the option of travelling to other stores and going to conventions, both of which I’d recommend if you’d like to grow as a player (but I’ll go into that at a later time). Privateer Press has a rather extensive Organized Play section on their web site, but the main four formats that tournaments will fall under are Steamroller, Hardcore, Masters, and Iron Gauntlet. I know a lot of players out there are new to the game or haven’t done much gaming outside of a casual game with friends, so I’m going to attempt to make a tournament primer for y’all.
Further Hysterics →