Tag Archive for tournaments

A Morning Report on the Dawn of Battle


No reason not to have a little Disney Lion King on a Saturday morning, is there?

It was a good night Thursday night at Heroes World for gaming.
I managed to play two games with my second choice list for the MEAC2013 event I am attending today, and learned some tough lessons about my choices and play style.  I had forgotten how much I really like playing small point games, and really learning what a caster and Battlegroup can do.  It’s nice and refreshing to go back and play smaller games when we have the chance.  Thankfully the current Machinations League has allowances for smaller point games.

Throwing Down The Gauntlet


With Lock & Load looming closer, it’s taken up a lot of my thoughts, particularly the debut of the new world championship: Iron Gauntlet. Being a brand new format, it’ll be particularly interesting to find out how it’ll develop. Will you see the same big names dominating the tournament scene? Will the same lists be prevalent? Only time will tell.

All pertinent information is here (and here is the document. Go ahead and read, I’ll wait). One of the first things that you’ll note is that the world is divided up into several regions. I certainly appreciate the meticulousness of the map, otherwise who knows what chaos would ensue when a player from Greenland or Nunavut entered? But I digress…

After a year of playing in various qualifying tournaments and accruing points, the top 2 players from each geographic region and 8 wildcard players (similar to how the NFL does the playoffs – hopefully nerd cliches don’t always hold true and you have a passing familiarity with sports) are invited to play in the finals at Lock & Load in Seattle. Due to the tracking of player performance over the year, player seeding in the finals is possible, something that I’m a big fan of.